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Ngoc-Khanh Tran
Virginia Tech's Pamplin College
Research Interests: Asset Pricing, International Finance (Previous research in Physics: here)
Teachings: International Finance (Undergrads), Fixed-Income Securities (MSFs, MBAs), Asset Pricing (PhDs)
Revise-and-Resubmit Papers:
"Recovery and Consistency," with Shixiang Xia (R&R, 3rd round, Review of Financial Studies, May 2024)
"Nontraded Sector Growth Risks and Economic Sizes in International Asset Pricing," with Thuy To (2024, Management Science)
"Market Timing and Predictability in FX Markets," with Thomas Maurer and Thuy To (2023, Review of Finance)
"Pricing Implications of Covariances and Spreads in Currency Markets," with Thomas Maurer and Thuy To (2022, Review of Asset Pricing Studies)
"Entangled Risks in Incomplete FX Markets," with Thomas Maurer (2021, Journal of Financial Economics)
"The Functional Stochastic Discount Factor," (2019, Quarterly Journal of Finance)
"Pricing Risks across Currency Denominations," with Thomas Maurer and Thuy To (2019, Management Science) (previous/original version)
"Rare Disasters and Risk Sharing with Heterogeneous Beliefs," with Hui Chen and Scott Joslin, (2012, Review of Financial Studies)
"Affine Disagreement and Asset Pricing," with Hui Chen and Scott Joslin, (2010, American Economic Review: Papers and Proceeding)
Working Papers:
"Incomplete Asset Market View of the Exchange Rate Determination," with Thomas Maurer
"Loss Sequencing in Banking Network: Threatened Banks as Strategic Dominoes," with Thao Vuong and Richard Zeckhauser
"The Hirshleifer Effect in a Dynamic Setting," with Thomas Maurer
"Cheap TIPS or Expensive Inflation Swaps? Mispricings in Real Asset Markets," with Thuy To
"Public Information and Risk Sharing in a Pure-Exchange Economy," with Thomas Maurer
"The Behavior of Savings and Asset Prices when Preferences and Beliefs are Heterogeneous," with Richard Zeckhauser
"Principally Priced Risk Factors," with Kingway Lin, Ming Yuan and Guofu Zhou
"Sharpe Ratio Shrinkage," with Shixiang Xia and Andrea Vedolin
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